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Eatpure environmental policy

Eatpure accepts that it is our responsibility to produce food hygienically and in a way which is caring to our staff, our local community and to the environment.
We believe that being environmentally responsible is not only sensible for our planet, but that it can also deliver real benefits to our business and to our Customers. Adopting sound environmental policies and practices has led to better environmental performance at Eatpure, across our Eatlunch business buffets activities and also within our café and vending environments.
Our environmental policy areas have been established through consultation as well as reviewing our environmental impacts, but at all times remain flexible enough to the reflect changes that happen within the ‘continuous improvement’ culture that we encourage and strive to achieve.
To achieve this commitment, Eatpure gives particular focus to the following areas:
  • Reducing the use of natural resources such as water, relative to our sales.
  • Reducing our energy consumption performance.
  • Eliminating all unnecessary food waste, by better management of our supply chain, with quality, like-minded suppliers.
  • Minimising packaging waste and wherever it is needed, ensuring that it is sourced from sustainable sources and is recyclable wherever possible.
  • Reducing ‘Plastic Bottled Water’ usage by promoting and encouraging our Customers to use our reusable glass bottle system.
  • Minimising unnecessary mileage and energy use, simply to pick-up and wash crockery or re-usable packaging.
  • Reducing the impact of our business on its surroundings and where possible, improving these.
  • Providing effective waste management, encouraging waste reduction, recycling and where possible, separating, recycling and composting waste.
We are currently formalising an Environmental Management System framework within which, we can monitor and measure our environmental achievements and use to encourage continual improvement. Within this framework we will:
  • Comply with all relevant environmental legislation.
  • Review all our activities and identify those that have the greatest environmental impact.
  • Maximise beneficial environmental impact through the provision of our services and implementation of our policies.
  • Action effective and meaningful monitoring, focussed on delivering continuous improvement.
  • Reduce our environmental impact and strive to prevent or eliminate pollution and waste.
  • Properly manage the environmental impacts of any unforeseen occurrences and accidents.
  • Train and motivate our staff, and strive to positively infl uence Customers and suppliers to participate positively in environmental best practice.

“Local food has more flavour, is fresher to your plate and better for the environment.”

Raymond Blanc

Download our Policies


PDF version of menusDownload our Environmental Policy

PDF version of menusDownload our Recycling Policy

PDF version of menusDownload our Food Miles Policy




Eatpure recycling policy

Like in every other business, waste has become a massively important and difficult issue to manage. Getting it right is not only environmentally responsible, but also a ‘must-do’ to ensure that we remain competitive.
Ensuring sustainability is all about reducing un-needed material inputs in our processes and introducing greater efficiency and resource usage.
Reusing and recycling of materials and resources wherever possible is an Eatpure priority. A key driver for this is the need to move towards a more sustainable economy. Sustainability requires that our business always takes environmental and economic issues into consideration.
Eatpure will achieve the following benefits from implementing waste minimisation within our activities:
  • We will run a more effi cient and profitable business by reducing the hidden cost of waste disposal, which is generated by over-ordering and ineffective supply-chain procedures.
  • Minimising waste is the best way to conserve energy, water and nonrenewable resources, therefore we are focussed on the 3 R’s:
  • Wherever possible Eatpure uses reusable trays, cups, cutlery and plates in our cafés.
  • Wherever possible we buy items in bulk to reduce the amount and cost of packaging to be recycled.
  • With our business buffets and take-away food we strive to minimise packaging, wherever possible.
  • Where beneficial, relative to collection mileage, we will use reusable cups and plates rather than disposable items.
  • Whenever possible we will encourage our Customers to select our re-usable glass bottled water instead of plastic bottled products.
  • Whenever appropriate, re-usable jars and containers will be selected for food and product storage.
  • In our cafés, where possible we will provide salt, pepper and sugar dispensers instead of individually packaged items.
  • Within our kitchen, café and vending environments, we will provide bins for recycling of steel/tins cans, glass jars and bottles, milk cartons to encourage and promote recycling.
  • We will limit the number of general waste bins within our cafés, instead providing recycling bins to make recycling easier for our clients.
  • Recycle bins will be placed beside all waste bins so that recyclable materials do not have to be put in the waste bins.
  • Throughout the business, we will, where possible segregate waste and ensure that as much as possible is recycled by approved contractors.
  • Our used cooking oil will be collected by an approved contractor for reuse in other sustainable ways.

Eatpure food miles policy

Local food is ‘greener’ so whenever possible we work directly with niche market suppliers and source produce from local Companies. We are committed to using local farm assured produce wherever possible and adopting sensible work practices that help support the environment in which we live.
Eatpure works with local suppliers to positively impact the following four joint business objectives:
  • Help the environment by sourcing as much quality local produce as possible.
  • Deliver as much quality local food and drink to as many local businesses as possible.
  • Work creatively at promoting and connecting everybody in the local food chain.
  • Operate a sustainable business that serves all the links in the local food chain without doing harm environmentally or economically.
‘Food Miles’ is the term given to the distance food items travel from the producer to our business or the point of service where our customers enjoy it. The concept of buying produce locally is simply to buy food produced, grown or raised as close to the point of service of these foods as possible to maximise freshness, minimise harmful effects on the environment (e.g. carbon emissions) and also to support local communities and support the sustainability of these often, rural communities.
A large quantity of fossil fuel is used to transport foods over long distances. Research shows that combustion of these fuels releases carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and other pollutants into the atmosphere, contributing to global climate change, acid rain and air pollution. Apart from the environmental damage that can result from food processing, packaging and transportation, agribusinesses are also a major source of air and water pollution. By purchasing locally we can regularly visit to the producer of the food that we purchase and ensure that they are doing so in an
environmentally responsible way, whilst also minimising the amount of fossil fuel used to deliver the produce that we select and ensuring that we receive produce when it is at its freshest and tastiest.

Recyclable packaging

Most of our packaging is now recyclable: even the gold platter trays and all the clear pots for yoghurts and dips are made from PLA - a biodegradable material manufactured from corn starch. Your buffets are also protected by a clear bag, which is also made from PLA.

BambooBamboo benefits..

Ten years ago environmental concerns were considered unimportant and even a bit boring. Today many would argue that helping to protect our planet can also deliver real social and economic benefits!
‘Eatlunch’ has always embraced this philosophy and has introduced a number of new initiatives to support this approach. Our plastic cutlery has been replaced with bio-degradable bamboo - although you wouldn’t guess to look at them!! The cutlery looks better than ever but does not contribute to the ‘plastic’ mountain. Environmental packaging technologies are improving all the time and we will continue to explore all of these and utilise new options as they become appropriate to our products and the needs of our Customers.